Improving Society Through Innovation

7,539,898 - Method of increasing system availability by assigning process pairs to processor pairs


A method is provided of assigning processors in a multiprocessor environment to a plurality of processes that are executed in the multiprocessor environment. Each process has a process pair defined by a primary process that executes on a first processor, and a backup process that executes on a second processor. There are a plurality of process pairs. The processors are in communication with one another via a communication network. The processors are associated with a plurality of predefined processor pairs. First, a plurality of process pairs are provided that are initially assigned to a respective plurality of pairs of processors, wherein at least one of the processors in the plurality of pairs of processors is initially assigned to more than one processor pair. Each processor is then assigned to only one of the predefined processor pairs so that no processor belongs to more than one processor pair. Then, each of the plurality of process pairs are assigned to a respective one of the predefined processor pairs. This assigning process results in a configuration that reduces the number of failure modes from the number of failure modes that exists in the initial configuration.