Improving Society Through Innovation

8,117,154 - Method for ensuring replication when system resources are limited


A method is provided for replicating transaction data from a source database to a target database wherein the transaction data is communicated from a change queue associated with the source database to the target database. An initial path is provided between the change queue and the target database for transaction data to flow. The initial path has a maximum transaction load capacity. It is then detected whether the current transaction load is close or equal to the maximum transaction load capacity of the initial path. If so, another path is provided between the change queue and the target database. Also, a method is provided of replicating transaction data from a source database to a target database wherein an associated with the target database has a maximum transaction threshold limit. The applier normally posts transaction data to the target database only upon receipt of a commit step or operation associated with respective transaction data. First, it is detected as to whether the maximum transaction threshold limit of the applier has been reached. If so, a commit step or operation is prematurely conducted on at least some of the transaction data in the applier, thereby causing the transaction data to become posted to the target database and deleted from the applier.